
Trusted by consumers everywhere


Trusted by consumers everywhere

What is Yelp?

Yelp is a local search powerhouse that serves 7.3 million unique visitors per month. From restaurants to auto repair shops, 85% of Yelp searches are unbranded (e.g. plumber near me, not Joe’s Plumbing), giving you a golden opportunity to reach 3x more customers who are looking for businesses like yours.

Who should be listed on Yelp?

Every type of shop under the sun can list their locations on this catch-all directory. And since 97% of users make a purchase within a week of finding a business, you’re missing out on tons of potential purchases if you skip out on Yelp!

Browse our set of features:

Launch high-impact ads.

Want to shuffle your location to the top of the search results, or even make a cameo on a competitor’s page? Cost-per-click ads can do the trick. With geo-targeting and different campaign types to choose from, CPC ads let you get hyper-specific with your audience targeting.

Dominate local search ranking and turn online searches into customers with RenderSEO.